
September update – Briefing: The effects of the economic blockade of Venezuela

Briefing: The effects of the economic blockade of Venezuela Download and view this briefing as a pdf The blockade in context The U.S. has been pursuing a strategy of ‘regime change’ through destabilising Venezuela dating back to the early years of Hugo Chávez’s presidency. This led George W. Bush’s administration to support the failed coup …

September update – Briefing: The effects of the economic blockade of VenezuelaRead More »

ANALYSIS: Juan Guaidó’s Regime Change Lobby

By John McEvoy for After Juan Guaidó declared himself Venezuelan president on 23 January, the opposition leader immediately sought to legitimise his parallel government by garnering international support. The US, most European states, and large parts of Latin America moved swiftly to recognise Venezuela’s new “interim president” (indeed, US Vice President Mike Pence had …

ANALYSIS: Juan Guaidó’s Regime Change LobbyRead More »

Venezuela: A Coup in the Making

By Matt Willgress Recent developments in Venezuela have been the culmination of intensifying hostility from the US administration over several months. This aggressive agenda has included increasingly harsh sanctions aimed at putting Venezuela under siege, and comments from Trump himself, Vice- President Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, among others, that have included threats …

Venezuela: A Coup in the MakingRead More »

Perilous times for Venezuela

Perilous times for Venezuela By Fiona Edwards, VSC EC The Venezuelan people are facing a grave and dangerous situation, as the US dramatically escalates its campaign to oust Venezuela’s democratically elected government. Donald Trump’s decision on Wednesday January 23 to recognise the unelected right-wing opposition leader Juan Guaido as Venezuela’s “interim president” is confirmation that …

Perilous times for VenezuelaRead More »