Saturday October 5, 10.00am, The Discus, Unite House, 128 Theobalds Rd, London, WC1X 8TN.
VSC Dayschool & AGM with: Rocio Maneiro (Venezuela,) Guisell Morales-Echaverry (Nicaragua,) Ken Livingstone (former Mayor of London,) Francisco Dominguez (VSC,) Lindsey German (Stop the War,) Tony Burke (Unite) plus guests from Bolivia, Brazil & Cuba.
Including discussions on: No war on Venezuela – no more pinochets in Latin America // Exposing the illegal blockade and sanctions on Venezuela // Keep Trump’s hands off Latin America & more.
Current VSC members and affiliates can register as delegates until 1 week before. Supporters of VSC’s aims can register as observers up until the day.
All registered will also get free entry to an event in solidarity with Bolivia supported by a number of organisations taking place in the afternoon.