It’s highly regrettable that the UK govt has again capitulated to the US ‘regime change’ narrative and has applied more sanctions against the democratically-elected govt of Venezuela.
The electoral victory of Nicolas Maduro as president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela is a guarantee that not only social progress continues (such as the 5 million social housing already built), but particularly that his govt will also continue to defend and uphold the nation’s sovereignty that the US and it’s European accomplices’ ‘regime change’ agenda has sought to undermine, one of whose most egregious manifestations is the illegal retention of 31 tons of Venezuelan gold in the BoE and billions in other European financial institutions.
We have witnessed first hand the vibrant nationwide mass mobilisations of happiness in support of President Maduro’s inauguration on Jan 10.
Likewise, we have seen the almost total absence of opposition mobilisation.
Most importantly, disabusing the mainstream western media narrative, everything has taken place in total peace and tranquility, which given the US-supported opposirion’s agenda of violent regime change, the re-election of Nicolas Maduro is a guarantee that peace and tranquility will be preserved.
This represents a huge victory for the people of Venezuela and of Latin America.