The VSC condemns the British government’s invitation to Juan Guaidó – statement.

The VSC condemns the British government’s invitation to Juan Guaidó, an undemocratic, right-wing politician, who self appointed and declared himself the unelected ‘President’ of Venezuela, and is not recognised by most of the international community and who has been rejected by the people of Venezuela.

Welcoming him as a head of state violates all principles of international law and the Vienna Convention.

He has campaigned for foreign sanctions and for military intervention against his own people and nation, and has launched a failed military coup attempt.Furthermore, he has failed to support international and regional efforts to facilitate proper dialogue in Venezuela.

It also comes after sections of Venezuela’s right-wing itself voted not to re-elect him as president of the National Assembly.

VSC supports dialogue, peace and respect for international law – and say no to US or UK intervention in Venezuela.